
BMM Educational Method


On this website you can learn everything about my invention, the BMM Pedagogical Method, which you can use as early as age 1!

BMM = Béres Mária's Skills Development Method Based on Montessori



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"...Mária ‘Marcsi’ Béres believes in children, even if they are healthy or face other obstacles to self-expression. With her methods she helps every child, from reinforcing their senses to problem solving thinking.
In the implementation, Marcsi’s method is unique and original, adapted to local conditions and to the individual possibilities of children. That is the key to her success. I wish her a lot of appreciative followers and students."
Her faithful supporter
Dr. Tamás Vekerdy
psychologist, writer

Whether as a teacher or as a parent reading the lines, you may have difficulties. You may find that you haven't got the right tool to step through one step to the next. Always find yourself more and be further addressed difficulties.


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From Montessori education to the BMM Method

“From the beginning, Maria Montessori wanted educators to think and decide autonomously, to stop relying on a single method and to be able to use their own pedagogy as self-sufficient professionals.”

Driving home the message and using Montessori education as a starting point gave rise to BMM, “Mária Béres’s Skills Development Method Based on Montessori”.
The method was granted a “TRADEMARK DOCUMENT” by the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office.

Prof. Dr. Habil. Béla Pukánszky, Head of the Remedial Teacher Training Institute of the University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education:

“…Montessori education is still receptive to reform. But this calls for creative educators. Már-ia Béres is one of them. By developing her own set of methods, she took an appreciative ap-proach to the thrust of Montessori education. Ms Béres is a worthy follower and co-worker of Maria Montessori as a reform educator. I am happy to recommend her pedagogy, a highly adaptable one to everyday education and development practices, to all fellow remedial teach-ers and other educators that are receptive to ideas and reform and believe, as do so many of us, in determined reform educators looking for new ways.”

I will help so you can help!

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo EMERSON


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Who is the BMM Method for?

The intellectually disabled children in my group are happy, cheerful and balanced.They discover, experiment and try to learn.

We are also bound by a “set syllabus”. Only the way to knowledge is DIFFERENT.

I often wondered why, if my method worked so well for the disabled, it should not also work for children with a healthy intellect.
It is now tested in crèches, kindergartens, primary schools and on children who study home outside a formal setting.My creed is that a teacher’s job is not to teach children the set “syllabus”. They must / should only make it possible for children to – be able to – learn the syllabus.

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The pedagogical link between BMM and Montessori

Montessori education has never been a mass pedagogy program anywhere in the world and should not become one! I think this is so because its philosophy is really unique. It is good and necessary to propagate and promote the ideas of reform pedagogy but not indiscriminately or through mechanical reproduction.

Every age needs its special education and every teacher must find their individual way. My work includes the elements of Montessori’s theory that fit my pedagogical ideas and character and that are feasible for me. I also proudly profess: “My method is my means”, which is based on Maria Montessori’s education. This is where the name comes from.

BMM = Béres Mária's method based on Montessori

A „Help me do it by myself” is basically a children’s request that I found was a daunting challenge to grant. It was hard to stop interfering with the way children work. Now, respecting children, my slogan goes: „I will help you do it by yourself!”

My group never meets new things through a “presentation” by an adult. Instead, the children must choose whatever they want to play with and I fully respect their decision. Why? Because children love discovering, experimenting and trying, and maybe they don’t even need any further pedagogical instruction to learn about the device. I think they can only be expected to observe the teacher’s presentation and learn the concept within a three-stage lesson when they have found out a lot about the device, gathered experiences, and played with it. I believe this is one of the ways of developing children’s competences.


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The BMM Method in pictures






Now let renowned professionals talk about me and my work. 


Mária Béres designed a complex pedagogical-practical program and has been using it in her remedial class for years. As follows from the principles, the children go individual ways and timeframes with continuous action and top activity because they are encouraged to do so by the room, the equipment and the special learning aids. (...) I find her work both suitable for propagation and necessary.”

Dr. Anna Bakonyi
public education expert



„Every child needs freedom and humane treatment to develop.
This basic truth was not only discovered and discussed by Mária Béres but also made the cor-nerstone of her work. This explains her excellent achievements. I hope she will find and edu-cate lots of followers.”

Péter Fóti
Founder, Public Benefit Association for Democratic Education and Learning



I wholeheartedly recommend to everybody the method of Mária Béres, a successful innova-tion with a scientific background (based on Montessori education) and relying on modern devices. We are different and so are the children entrusted to us. The world keeps changing. There are principles, such as respect for children, and many more things that determine our education. And there are things where we need to change: thinking about education, children, learning, helping and teachers as good helpers more openly, flexibly and freely. This is the contribution that the teacher training courses of Mária Béres make to participants. They acquire the kind of knowledge that every teacher needs so much these days.

Nóra L. Ritók
public education expert


I was completely impressed and convinced by Mária Béres’s method based on Montessori. First I only saw photos of her devices and the work of her group but have regularly visited her class since spring 2010, and now I’m able to see the “miracle” with my own eyes. Soft music, an aesthetic and family-like environment, natural learning situations, quiet and hard-working children who are free to pick any object. They are unprompted, also learn from each other and make very good progress... It’s something conspicuous to me as a professional who is familiar with the possibilities. Students smile and are completely happy as they learn things. Their work reflects order, stamina and love for learning.

Rita Pál-Horváth
remedial teacher, teaching advisor, public education expert


Luck led me to meet Marcsi first as the guardian angel, organiser and soul of the meeting of SEN children and their families at Lake Balaton. Later we exchanged several messages, discussed professional matters but it took me quite a few months to finally listen to her presentation in Debrecen and to have a look at her self-developed devices. At the time, the method had no name but it was apparent that Marcsi had created a well-considered pool of devices. All of them fill in a gap as they help SEN children, not only to learn new things but also to start working autonomously, which can have a powerful effect on their quality of life later on. At the same time, the devices help teachers assign, even within the same group, completely differentiated tasks that are adapted to the children to be developed within a single session / lesson.I wish Marcsi best of luck with her professional work in the future.

Zsuzsanna Szilvásy
Autism Europe

It’s been decades now that I have been looking for ways, together with lots of like-minded colleagues, to help teachers of children living under really hard circumstances and facing multiple disadvantages to be more successful together with their students. Many other professionals and I have tried lots of things. Marcsi found the most obvious one, a self-developed pool of devices based on the system of Montessori devices, flexibly adapted to children and their needs. The big advantage is that they can be built in everyday practices, in any mode of learning management. The aesthetic and sophisticated devices make teachers creative and provide a wealth of further ideas. They offer the joy of discovery, creation and achievement to both teachers and students. I wish her best of luck and successful teacher trainees in the future!

Mati Zágon
public education expert