In addition to my accredited course, I’m happy to give talks to
- fellow teachers at staff meetings,
- bigger or smaller working groups,
- parents, parent groups and stakeholders.
"An individual helps not; only he who
unites with many at the proper time."
J. W. Goethe
Some important presentations, trainings in the past few years:
7. BMM accredited training – Szeged
6. BMM accredited training – Szeged
5. BMM accredited training – Székelyföld, Csíkszentmárton
4. BMM accredited training – Miskolc
3. BMM accredited training – Miskolc
2. BMM accredited training - Nyírbátor
1. BMM accredited training - Nyírbátor
Február 01. Vl. Miskolci Taní-tani Conference
Educators meeting SOFI - Budapest
Educators meeting - Paks
Bárczi főiskola - Budapest
Professional Conference - Szeged
MAGYE - Kiskőrös
Autistic days - Nyíregyháza
All children conference - Budapest
Educators meeting – Miskolc EGYMI
Román – magyar Pedagógustalálkozó – Nyíregyháza
Gyógypedagógiai nap - Debrecen
Educators meeting Göllesz Viktor EGYMI - Nyíregyháza
TÁMOP / Értelmileg akadályozottak – Debrecen
TÁMOP / Autizmus specifikus - Debrecen
Bárczi főiskola - Budapest
Educators meeting - Miskolc EGYMI
MAGYE - Budapest
Magyar Pedagógiai Társaság Kisgyermeknevelési Szakosztálya - Budapest
Szaktanácsadói előadássorozat - Budapest
Nevelőtestületi értekezlet - Nyírbátor
Fővárosi Pedagógiai Intézet - Budapest
SNI-s gyermekeket nevelő szülőknek - Budapest
SNI-s gyermekeket nevelő szülőknek - Debrecen
Bárczi Gusztáv főiskola – Budapest
Alternatív Pedagógiai konferencia - Nyíregyháza
Montessori iskola - London
SNI-s gyermekeket nevelő szülőknek - Budapest
Educators meeting Vas utcai EGYMI - Budapest
Bárczi Gusztáv főiskola – Budapest
Educators meeting - Hajdúböszörmény
Nemzetközi Montessori konferencia - Pécs
Prizma napok - Budapest
SNI-s gyermekeket nevelő szülőknek - Budapest
Nevelőtestületi értekezlet - Gyula
Tavaszi Pedagógiai Napok. Elméleti előadás – Debrecen
TPN gyakorlati bemutató - Debrecen
MAGYE - Miskolc
Gyógypedagógiai Napok – Szeged
Pedagógiai Konferencia – DE.- Hajdúböszörmény
For course pictures please check out my albums on Facebook.
Some photos of the presentations/courses:
Thank you very much for the chance to see you for the nth time. Hard work, great method, big achievement! Balanced and well-developing children. Congratulations! I admire you! I learn a lot from you and wish many people became familiar with your work.
Rita Pál-Horváth, Budapest
It’s already the second time I’ve been with you. It was so impressive to see the children work continuously and with discipline, realising things and solutions alone they would never realise in a frontally managed class. Whatever I used to learn about intellectually disabled children (lack of motivation, failure avoidance, etc.) was disproved by what I saw. But why? These children are given an opportunity to experiment and prove for us what we would never have imagined in our wildest dreams about their abilities.
Krisztina Horváth-Kelemen, Szeged
I’m happy to have come to Debrecen and see your class and the method that makes learning a real adventure. Congratulations on your handmade devices that make work a pleasure for all, as I witnessed. That the students are so calm and manageable can be primarily put down to your positive attitude and method. Your students are lucky that you deal with them in such a wonderful environment, with so much energy and enthusiasm.
Zita Vincze, Paks
Thank you for presenting with your kids this peculiar system of development and education. It made me curious and we are thinking over with an open mind what we have seen. You gave us a lot of ideas and initiative together with the willingness to play.
László Selmeci and colleagues, Budapest, Csalogány suli
Thank you for the two days I spent here. I have acquired so many experiences that I could never list them all! I always thought nothing happens by accident so I’m sure fate brought me here on purpose when it did so “by accident”. I wish you stamina for the future and success along this bumpy road.
Judit Daróczi, Debrecen
I’m very happy I was able to see in person something I only heard about before. I hope I can often come back in the future. I wish you success and creativity. P.S. I want to be so fit and super one day, after so many years in the profession.
Viktória Oroszi, Budapest
We express our recognition to you for developing the children entrusted to you with love, patience and consistent work. Your empathy as you bend down and approach them is really special. We find you a person with ample pedagogical expertise. We sincerely appreciate your commitment and relentless endurance at work. You should pass on these skills to future teachers in the city and the rest of Hungary. We wish you strength and stamina for your really special work:
Rehabilitation Help Group, Debrecen
It was a fantastic and uplifting experience to see such a “lesson”! I’m filled with joy that I’ve seen children working so independently. As a teacher and remedial teacher I think everyone should see the work done here. Thank you for the opportunity:
Ildikó Mózesné Kapocska, Debrecen
I loved the class and it was great to see that there are also such things in Hungary! It would be great if it could become more common. The children are surprisingly motivated and happy to choose and perform the tasks! It was a great experience. Thank you for the opportunity and wish you stamina.
Emese Páli
Congratulations on your work! What we saw was a great experience for all. Carrying out it all takes lots of energy and your perseverance is exemplary. We saw lots of things we could also build in our work and the result achieved speaks for itself.
Istvánné Zsadányi and fellow team members, Debrecen – Bárczi
Thank you very much for having me here. I learnt a lot within a few hours. I want to teach like that! I hope many people will realise as soon as possible what a fantastic thing you have.
Erzsébet Varga
I supposed it would be a fantastic experience to be among you... but to such extent? I’m thrilled I was here and saw it all. With hindsight I’m sorry I was not taught like this but with a different approach to education. Thank you very much!!!
Judit S.
Thank you for having us and letting us see the “jewel box” you’ve made around you. The so many beautiful and creative devices you made are impressive. Your attitude and method give lots of food for thought and should be followed. We’ve learnt a lot. But you know, this alone is not enough. The essence, the “heart” of it is you! We’re happy we met you.
Juli Nagy and colleagues, Salgótarján
Thank you for the experience. I’ve learnt a lot from you. I wish the love of your little students stay with you long. I hope one day, as soon as possible, your unparalleled expertise will be crowned by the recognition of your fantastic work.
Erzsébet Ujjné Bujdosó
I can’t be grateful enough for the way you welcomed me to your group and tried to “teach” me what you know! Honestly, I had a reason to ask for a place in your seminar but what I saw surpassed everything. What you do deserves respect. I admire the strength, energy and love that you express to children. The long hours of practice I spent with you were not work but an experience. I’m grateful for that.
Gabi Pergéné, Debrecen
Thank you for letting me see it all! Thank you for letting me be a part of your work. Thank you for the attitude and commitment you deliver to your environment with every movement. Thank you also in the name of my colleagues that you don’t keep your knowledge to you but make it public. I hope despite all odds you will contribute to a change of attitude in many fel-low teachers. Thank you for everything.
Csilla Gintliné Orosz, Budapest
I can’t express with words what I have experienced here today! The things you achieve are incredible! I was totally amazed by what I saw. Your room and devices are impressive. The ubiquitous tranquillity and your work can set an example for everybody. Thank you for having me and for your honesty and openness!
Aliz Fodor, Debrecen
This is a fun place to work! Thank you for the opportunity and I’m happy you confirmed that it’s worth completing the course! I can’t wait to share the great deal of knowledge you have acquired through the years. I wish you lots of strength and stamina in your work for the fu-ture.
Ágnes Molnár, Debrecen